Drug Enforcement Agency Radio Codes http://www.li.net/~...info/dea_codes.html Drug Enforcement Agency Radio Codes 10-1 - Unable to copy 10-2 - Message received 10-4 - Relay my message 10-6 - Stand by 10-7 - Out of service 10-8 - In service 10-9 - Please repeat message 10-10 - Prisoner present at... 10-13 - Agent needs assistance 10-15 - Residence 10-16 - Change frequency 10-19 - Return to... 10-20 - Location 10-21 - Call...by landline 10-22 - Disregard 10-25 - Respond to... 10-28 - Registration check 10-30 - Subscriber information 10-33 - Emergency traffic 10-99 - Emergency - agent needs assistance 10-100 - Radio Silence Radio Codes|Scanning Information|Scanning Homepage|Jim's Homepage This page created and maintained by Jim Fordyce (j4dice@li.net). Comments, corrections and additions are welcomed. c 1996, Jim Fordyce 1 of 1 4/11/97 6:50 AM